Sothebys International Realty Canada

Vivian Lin

Associate Broker
Residential and Commercial Real Estate

Exclusive Service, Exclusive Style - Residential and Commercial Real Estate

June 2024: Stay adaptable and open to change, as the evolving world requires us to embrace new strategies for success. Keep learning, stay curious, and take calculated risks.

Medallion Club Member - Top 10 Percent of Greater Vancouver REALTOR®

For over two decades, I've immersed myself in the dynamic world of real estate since 2001, assisting a diverse range of clients – from eager buyers and savvy sellers to forward-thinking developers, shrewd investors, and even marketing/advertising companies. My extensive background equips me with a profound understanding of the intricate details and essential factors crucial for anyone venturing into the realms of property transactions. My ultimate mission? To demystify real estate, offering comprehensive guidance from every conceivable perspective.

Throughout my illustrious career, I've successfully finalized numerous deals, spanning the spectrum from charming residential homes to expansive commercial spaces. In an era inundated with real estate information, distinguishing the genuine from the hype can be a challenge. Many operate with vested interests, emphasizing the need for a discerning eye to evaluate information sources and motivations.
What sets me apart? A commitment to authenticity, devoid of hidden agendas. Real estate need not be an overwhelming labyrinth of complexity. Whether you're navigating the purchase or sale of a property, I'm here to alleviate the process's intimidation factor. Have inquiries or concerns about real estate? Or perhaps you know someone who does? Reach out – I'm ready to provide guidance and support.

Thank you for contemplating my services. I'm eager for the opportunity to assist you with your real estate needs and demonstrate why I stand out as one of your best real estate advisors in town!

*2017 & 2018 & 2019 & 2020 &2021 Medallion Club Member - Top 10 Percent of Greater Vancouver REALTOR®
2017 & 2018 & 2019 & 2020 & 2021 大温哥华地产局金牌經紀Medallion Club大奖-大溫哥華前10%專業房仲經紀人

您的專屬房產買賣投資规划師– 林嬌(Vivian Lin)

自地產專業畢業後, Vivian 從2001年從事地產行業有二十幾個年頭了。擁有與不同的買家,賣家,開發商,投資者合作及引領本地市場營銷和廣告公司的經驗, 她了解並洞悉市場不同層面消費者的需求。在數以千計的房產交易中, 客戶高度評價了她對市場和投資方面獨特的前瞻性,以及她專業真誠的客服和對客戶需求的盡心盡力。

隨著網絡的信息流通, 購買,銷售及投資房產變得越來越容易和便捷,很多信息甚至是免費的。問題是,每一個服務行業提供給您的信息是建立在是否您會選擇他們產品的既得利益之上。比如說,銀行房貸經理希望您選擇他們的房貸按揭服務;房屋建築商希望您購買他們開發的房產等等。所以您可能永遠不會知道,您蒐集到的所有關於房產的信息是否給您帶來最大的投資居住回報率,這是商業的本質,並沒有對錯之分。您在大量的信息中,只要正確判斷是誰提供給您的信息和原因,它是否符合您目前的投資和生活需求就是一個很好的開始。

Vivian這次選擇加拿大蘇富比國際地產公司她就是希望在地產領域裡,提供給客戶更多更及時的國際資訊, 和系統化的高端服務。 Vivian也衷心希望她的語言優勢可以真正幫到那些有真需要和有共識的朋友,希望中國人對家的感受可以從她的服務中感受的淋漓盡致。



Service Areas Greater Vancouver (British Columbia), Burnaby (Greater Vancouver), North Vancouver (Greater Vancouver), Richmond (Greater Vancouver), Vancouver (Greater Vancouver), West Vancouver (Greater Vancouver)

Specialities Commercial Property, High End Properties, Investment Property, Land, Luxury Homes, New Homes/Pre-Construction, Residential and Commercial Real Estate Broker, Residential Condos/Townhomes, Single Family Homes

Languages English, Mandarin Chinese


  • Yan and John from West Vancouver BC highly recommend Vivian as a top-notch real estate professional. She showcases her kindness, drive for success, vast knowledge, ...

    - Yanning Guo, West Vancouver BC

  • Vivian Lin exhibits professionalism, reliability and exceptional efficiency in her work. She provides outstanding service. I would definitely recommend her to my friends and family. ...

    - Bohan Peng, Vancouver

  • "Vivian is a professional and very knowledgeable in her work and has provided amazing support and guidance throughout the process of selling my home in ...

    - Boon Kwen, Burnaby

  • Vivian is a professional and reliable agent. Recently she sold one of my investment properties within 10 days. The offer is higher than our targeted ...

    - Angela Leung, Richmond

  • “Just a short note to say thank you for a job well done on the sale of my recent listing. It's the second deal I ...

    - T. Nguyen/ Vancouver

  • Vivian is a very experienced, knowledgeable, and organized realtor that I and my husband have worked with on few of our properties. We are very ...

    - Ys N, Burnaby

  • "Vivian was very professional in helping me purchase my presale condo a few years ago, that when it came time to downsize after the condo ...

    - B. Chow - Burnaby (January 2018)

  • Vivian is a warm and well educated Realtor and she always takes care of our best interest! She has provided us very helpful suggestions in ...

    - Zhang Lan/ White Rock 2019

  • “Vivian has been my realtor for over 15 years. Over the years, she has always been very patient, reliable, and most importantly, always looking after ...

    - Lisa Zhang / White Rock Surrey

  • Vivian is a highly professional real estate agent, who possesses both passion and expertise in the real estate industry. Throughout the entire process of buying ...

    - Jin Young Choi, North shore

  • read More Testimonials

    Vivian Lin

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    Office Phone: 604.922.6995
    Fax: 604.922.6289

    235 15th Street, Suite 200,
    West Vancouver, V7T 2X1

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